About GTOSims
GTOSims is a store with accurate GTO solutions for various poker disciplines from the developers of the most advanced GTO solvers: Simple Preflop Holdem and Simple Postflop. In our store you will find strategies for the following poker disciplines: MTT, 6-Max Cash, Sit&Go, Spin&Go and others. To calculate preflop strategies, we use the most accurate and advanced solver - Simple Preflop Holdem, which has no analogues on the market in terms of cutting edge preflop equlibrium calculation algorithms. The preflop solutions sold are presented in three formats at once: in the format of Simple Preflop Holdem files, in the format of PIO charts and in the format of PNG screenshots. If you have not found a solution that you would like to purchase, contact us at support@gtosims.com and we will calculate and publish the solution in our store for sale. You are welcome in our large Discord GTO Poker Community!