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GTO Solutions for 5-Max Holdem 6+ Cash Game. The solution is calculated with different bet sizings in Simple Preflop Holdem. The file is calculated using 10k/10k/10k bucketing with a very large number of iterations.

Solution are calculated with rake (RAKE: Ante 2$).

Standard position names are used from Texas Holdem (all players put 1 ante before a preflop and the player that seats on the button put 1 ante on the preflop - this player named BB in solutions and always acts last both on the preflop and postflop). The file with sizing description:

100-100-100-100-100 ante

UTG/CO/BTN open: limp, raise 100%, raise AI
SB open: limp, raise 100%, raise 150%, raise AI

vs SB limp:
BB: raise 66%, raise 100%, raise AI
limper has limp/3bet 100% vs BB raise

vs UTG/CO/BTN limp:
CO/BTN/SB: raise 100%, raise 150%, raise AI
BB: raise 100%, raise 150%, raise AI
limper has limp/3bet 100% vs BB raise

vs UTG/CO/BTN limp + 1 overlimp:
BTN/SB: raise 100%, raise AI
BB: raise 100%, raise 150%, raise AI

vs UTG/CO limp + 2 overlimps:
SB: raise 100%, raise AI
BB: raise 100%, raise 150%, raise AI

vs UTG limp + 3 overlimps:
BB: raise 100%, raise 150%, raise AI

vs SB openraise 100%:
BB: 3bet 66%, 3bet 100%, raise AI

vs SB openraise 150%:
BB: 3bet 66%, raise AI

vs UTG/CO/BTN openraise 100%:
CO/BTN/SB: 3bet 66%, raise AI
BB: 3bet 66%, 3bet 100%, raise AI


All solutions are provided in 3 formats:

  • Simple Preflop Holdem saved file (*.bin)
  • Pio Charts files
  • Images of ranges from Simple Preflop Holdem (*.png)

Upon receipt of payment, a link to download the solution will be instantly sent to the email provided.